The righteous accomplice

Further than my eyes could see
you saw more in me
an unlimited potential, the acuity
befitting a helper of those in solitary

We must put an end to the eerie barbarism
to this end, we now prepare with optimism.

In my original statement upon launching The Studio a few weeks ago, I spoke about my decision at the end of 2023 to pursue a career in law. I am overjoyed to announce that it is officially done! 

Above is the email I received earlier today from my university confirming my enrolment in their law course. It is a course designed for professionals from different backgrounds who have chosen to pivot their careers and convert to law. We are to begin within the next few weeks. 

As you may have seen for yourself in the news, grievous things are happening to people in this destructive system of Hollywood, with extreme damage caused to their lives - for those who are lucky enough to survive.

I hope to become one of the individuals they can turn to who understands the true implications of their situations legally, emotionally, and creatively, someone who can provide genuine solutions in ways that can set them on a different path. There is no doing that without proper knowledge of the law and the right jurisdiction to effectively apply that knowledge with adequate understanding and wisdom.

I must be honest and confess that this has been a rather intimidating undertaking, but with the help of my supportive family, and friends, I am confident that I will run to the finish line. This path will lead me to the bar of England and Wales, California, and (potentially) New York within the next years - as quickly as my personal and professional commitments will allow.

"The change will not come from another person, it can only come from you", says the Man staring in the mirror - be that Man and don't look away. I will not rest until I see some change, please do not rest until you see some change.

This law degree is a core part of the plan for fulfilling the vision that we - my fellow companions in purpose and I - see for the entertainment industry. This new ecosystem may not see the light of day in my time, but I will ensure that I do my part and help the next generation efficiently do theirs. 

We arise in seventh heaven today
taking a seat on the isle of justice
moving forward without further delay
to help make a way out of the abyss
We are now only a few steps away
from morphing into their righteous accomplice.

"We are accomplices to something whether we like it or not. Even choosing not to do anything aligns you with something. The current state of this system is so enormously alarming. In a world full of criminal accomplices, be of a different kind, gentle and upright, be the righteous accomplice." - Elvira

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