Dear sons and daughters of God,

I am coming to you with warning and encouragement from the Lord today.

As we engage in these 500 days of waiting upon the Lord, expect all hell - in fact, about 500 different hells - to break loose in your life.

You must prepare for what is ahead of you to stand a chance.

The warning

For all of the instructions the Lord gave us to apply during this waiting time, as explained in the original letter, the enemy has prepared sophisticated strategies to get you to forfeit them. Don't fall for his tricks and break your commitment to the Lord. Don't defile yourselves and nullify the effects of your sacrifices of obedience to the Lord.

They will try to get you to develop pride so that you lose yourself and your spiritual grounding. They will try to use (larger) crowds, a big(ger) following, (more) money, and adulation and may even make you think that the impact of your career is growing so that when you start getting wrapped up in fleshly glory and pride you will remove your eyes from the Lord’s presence and will. Remember what I explained to you about this matter. Don't take the bait.

They will try to send new people into your lives, especially if they see that you are applying the Lord's instructions and removing yourselves from their circles. These people will look like they are good, equally yoked in the Lord and trustworthy but beneath the facade lies corruption. Don't take the bait.

You must keep your circle very small and ditch the whole "entourage", this also applies to you if you are an employee, a politician, or a businessman or -woman. You must be very wise about who you allow in your close circle, ask the Lord for His wisdom in prayer and wait upon Him for an answer. Don't take the bait.

They will suggest to you new contracts, and "golden" opportunities. These will be things you have always desired and dreamed of but could never get, usually with huge sums of money and great potential for career growth attached to them. Be sharp and attentive, you should not be owned by any of their corporations. They will abuse you and then discard you. No matter how much they make you feel wanted, they do not care about you. Don't take the bait.

The consequences of the contracts you had already signed whilst still in darkness are hard enough to bear, and you are actively working with the Lord to be set free from them, don't fall into new traps. If it seems too good to be true, it is. Your only employer, provider, and owner today is Jesus Christ. Ask the Lord for His wisdom in prayer and wait upon Him to answer you. Don't take the bait.

They will bring false prophets into your life to try and plant doctrines of devils in you or give you false prophecies so that you may be derailed in your walk with the Lord. If you need a spiritual mentor, ask the Lord for His wisdom in prayer and wait upon Him to answer you. Don't take the bait.

These people will sound legit and will speak a language that feels familiar and gives you hope, but this is witchcraft to create spiritual confusion in you and to get you under their grip and back into the evil covenants the Lord freed you from. Don't be impressed by the miracles, signs and wonders - it is sorcery, the sweet words, and fake spiritualism. Don't take the bait.

They will try to sell you easy ways, quick alternatives, and "wise" tricks. Nothing easy and quick told to you by anyone is good. Remember that the first shall be the last and the last shall be the first. The longest route to a destination is by taking a shortcut. Small is the gate and difficult to travel is the path that leads to life, and only a few will find it. The Lord works with timing and faith. He always has a process. Don't take the bait.

Anything promised to you too quickly is of the devil and there is always a higher price you will have to pay - the price of your soul. Even if the Lord wants you to move quickly from one place to another, He will do so if it is His will, but it will still require you to go through a certain process, activate certain keys and apply certain principles. There is no way around it. Don't take the bait.

Their biggest and most frequent weapon will probably be using all sorts of media to try to practice witchcraft - that is, manipulation - with your public image. They will use your "brand", which they own through the contracts you signed whilst you were still in darkness, to continue making up false personas, lives, activities, relationships, marriages, children and professional projects and attach them to you. Don't take the bait.

Listen, they want you to try to react and fight it: to argue and be mad, to shout and feel powerless and oppressed, so that you may be stained by anger and bitterness and it is that iniquity that they will use to pull you back into captivity. They want you to be mentally weak, emotionally destroyed and spiritually bound. Don't take the bait.

They will photoshop pictures, make up video montages with body doubles, and manipulate your image and your voice to their ends. They will post things on your official pages, release false statements, and announce fictitious projects to their ends. They will purchase likes, followers, reactions, articles, clicks and more to make it seem like their strategies are successful. Don't react, don't fight them, don't respond, and hold no resentment towards them - don't defile yourselves. Don't take the bait.

If they force you to partake in some parts of it under legal contractual grounds, do it without reacting and remove any resistance so they can have nothing they can use against you. We have made these mistakes and paid the price for them, please learn from us and withhold any reaction. Don't take the bait.

The goal is for you to FORGET you have a "brand" because, in Christ, you don't. Forget that (false) identity and focus on your new life and your journey to freedom. The Lord is not worried about your fabricated fictitious brand, He is concerned about your soul, spirit, and heart. Focus on that. The Lord is a just Judge and He WILL judge them in His right timing, and trust me when I say that it won't be pretty.

If you are one of "them" reading this right now, I appeal to you to repent now while you still have the chance because your devilish systems are going down - you can already see the walls breaking and you are in distress right now trying to stay afloat. The Lord has made it clear and He watches for His word to be accomplished. Repent now, salvage your soul, and save your life before it is too late. May the Lord in His mercy rescue you.

Recommended reading:

Developing sensitivity to integrity. (Captives - Appendix)
More thoughts on the Fear of the Lord.

Another thing they will do is constantly try to whisper things in your mind to induce doubt, fear, feelings of guilt and all the other sentiments that people of the world succumb to every day: jealousy, greed, anger, impatience, selfishness, rudeness, aggressive behaviours, intolerance, self-righteousness and judgement, etc. Don't take the bait.

They will also whisper these things into your family's ears and the people around you so that they can pollute your atmosphere and defile you, especially you who are married, your spouse will be their first target, and your children will be next. You must guard your mind and rub it all the way through with truth - that is, God's word - and dwell in His presence in prayer, worship, and fasting to build a wall in your soul which can resist the attacks. Don't take the bait.

We are at war. I repeat, this is a war.

Read the previous sentence again.

The encouragement

In all these things, remember that the battle is not ours but the Lord's, and He has already given us victory through Christ Jesus and because we are conquerors, we can boldly declare to the enemy:

'This day the Lord will hand you over to me, and I will strike you down and cut off your head. And I will give the corpses of the army of the Philistines this day to the birds of the sky and the wild beasts of the earth, so that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel, and that this entire assembly may know that the Lord does not save with the sword or with the spear; for the battle is the Lord’s and He will hand you over to us.” ' 1 Samuel 17:46-47

You must hold fast to the Lord as He takes you through your journey. The things from your previous life will not just magically go away. I wish I could promise you something else but I can't, telling you anything contrary to this would be lying to you. The good news is that the Lord uses these battles to train, deliver, and strengthen you in body, soul, and spirit.

I also cannot emphasise enough the importance of repentance. Don't go a day without repenting, this is how you can keep yourselves under the Lord's grace and out of the enemy's direct influence and affliction. Repent, repent, and repent some more.

When the attacks above come your way, remember that the Lord had predicted it and warned you through this letter that I write you today. Submit to the authority of God. Resist the devil, stand firm against him, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

May the Lord help and assist us as we begin these 500 days of waiting upon Him. We have faith that He is ardently watching to see those of us He can trust and qualify to experience His glory.

May the Lord in His grace and mercy pour out his love in our hearts, deliver us from our iniquity, and cleanse us of our impurity during this time.

May the Lord respond to our waiting upon Him and open up the heavens so that we may be ushered into His presence for us to experience the freedom that He has promised as part of our inheritance in Christ Jesus.

May the Lord help us to repent - change our thinking - and be reformed and reconditioned in our souls, spirits and hearts so that we may be restored to His image and likeness.

Our Father is mighty, wonderful, and gracious. He is our Sustainer, our Provider, and our Source. He is the One True Living God. To Him be the glory forever and ever, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Please do not stop praying for each other, I will not stop praying for you.

Don't forget to come to read the daily scripture the Lord will be giving us that I will share here on The Studio. It will be posted every morning at 4 am (CET).

With love,


If you have not read the full Captives series and prayed all of the prayers included in that series, please make sure you do so now - it is for your good to get to know the truth so you can be set free. Read it here:

Captives Series - The Studio
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” Isaiah 60: 1-3

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