Father, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, that your children getting ready to pray this prayer be connected to the prayer altar we have raised in Your Holy Name and the power of Your Holy Spirit move in Mighty way in their lives.

May you welcome them in the Glory of the Sons of God and Co-heirs with Christ today, and loosen the bondages and break the prisons they have been locked up in, my Lord. Give them access to their inheritance in Your Glory, my Father.

May your heavenly hosts be deployed right away to take care of the administration of your decrees in their favour, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Blessed be the Lord, who has not forsaken His steadfast love and His faithfulness. The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise Him.  To Him be the glory forever, amen.

God bless you, my friend, and may the Lord in His Grace answer your prayer!

With love,


Disclaimer: Please do not pray this prayer without having made the prayer to divorce darkness.

Prayer to divorce darkness. (Captives : VIII)
Father, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, that your children getting ready to pray this prayer be connected to the prayer altar we have raised in Your Holy Name and the power of Your Holy Spirit move in Mighty way in their lives. May your heavenly hosts be

Instruction: Speak the prayer out loud, and repeat each statement - where applicable - as described.

Part 1: Confession and repentance.

Lord, I come before you in the name of Jesus Christ your only begotten Son to confess and repent of my iniquity.

Heavenly Father,

I confess that I have rebelled against You,

I confess that I have committed idolatry,

I confess that I have manipulated, lied, and poisoned people,

I confess that I have shed innocent blood,

I confess that I have done all kinds of heinous things and have trampled your courts with my ignorance,

I confess these sins through my actions and those of my ancestors.

I confess, Father, that I have lived a life of iniquity. (x3)

Lord God, please forgive my sins and cleanse me of my iniquity. (x3)

I renounce and divorce my iniquity and that of my ancestors in the name of Jesus (x12).

I repent before You and appeal to You, Father, that in Your Grace and Mercy, You may set me free now. (x12).

I rebuke any works of iniquity in me and my bloodline. (x3)

I receive the forgiveness of my sins and the cleansing of iniquity from my bloodline. (x3)

Thank you, Lord, for Your Forgiveness, Love, Blood, Light and Perfect Liberty that are now a part of me. (x12)

I am healed, I am blessed, and I am free. (x12)

Part 2: Adoption and appointment to heirship.

I stand before your heavenly council, Father, and appeal to you for your Spirit to bring about my adoption to sonship, in the name of Jesus (x3)

I accept and give way for the Holy Spirit to adopt me into His sonship, in the name of Jesus. (x3)

I give access to the Holy Spirit to become one with my Spirit, in the name of Jesus. (x3)

Have Your Way, Holy Spirit. (x12)

I appeal to you the Just Judge, as your adopted son, that as Your Word promises, I may be established into the legal office of Your Heir, in the name of Jesus (x3)

I accept and give way for the Holy Spirit to establish me as a co-heir with Christ, in the name of Jesus. (x3)

I give access for the Lord to appoint me as His heir of Glory, in the name of Jesus. (x3)

Have Your Way, Holy Spirit. (x12)

I declare that I am now a son of God and a co-heir with Christ, in the name of Jesus. (x3)

I now claim my Holy inheritance in the Lord and appeal for His immeasurable glorious Power to be activated in me, in the name of Jesus. (x12)

Part 3: Dominion.

I stand in my office as an heir to command every affliction Satan has put in my body, my mind, my spirit, my soul, and every part of my life and that of my children to vanish and be destroyed now, in the name of Jesus Christ. (x20 - very important!)

I stand in my office as an heir to command every cell in my body to be repaired and restored to the image of God, in the name of Jesus Christ. (x3)

I stand in my office as an heir to command every substance in my soul to be repaired and restored to the image of God, in the name of Jesus Christ. (x3)

I stand in my office as an heir to command every element of my spirit to be repaired and restored to the image of God, in the name of Jesus Christ. (x3)

I stand in my office as an heir to command every part of my heart to be repaired and restored to the image of God, in the name of Jesus Christ. (x3)

I pray as your heir, my Lord, that you may send Your Light to fill up every part of me, both in the seen and the unseen, in the name of Jesus Christ. (x3)

May the Light of Christ fill me up and saturate every part of me, both in the seen and the unseen, in the name of Jesus. (x3)

Thank you, Father, for freeing me, loving me, having mercy on me, and adopting me into your mighty Kingdom of Light. (x12)

I proclaim my radical freedom from darkness now in the name of Jesus. (x20)

I am healed, I am blessed, I am whole, and I am free. (x12)

It is in the Mighty Name of Jesus that I prayed, amen.