Dear friends,

The Lord has asked me to write this letter to emphasise the importance of practising inner calm and stillness during these 500 days of waiting.

We live in a world that is battling for our attention all the time, and we must be the ones to put an end to the battles and claim our attention back from the never-ending distractions.

Your inner stillness in the spirit is like the soil in which your spiritual seeds grow, and the calmer the spirit is, the more fertile the soil. You will not be able to receive from the Lord in the spirit, worship Him in spirit and fellowship with Him in the spirit without a calm spirit, and a quiet soul.

The Lord made me discover what He called an "attention" fast last year. I had never heard of that from any church, preacher, or teacher. The aim was to filter and very cautiously select the things I expose my eyes and ears to, because these organs are gates into our souls and spirits.

Some of us are naturally highly spiritually sensitive and for us specifically, the need to cut out alien media is extremely important to operate well in the spirit. If you are spiritually sensitive, know that everything you see and hear during your normal day will infiltrate your spiritual realm and have the potential to pollute it.

I invite you to be cautious of these things because they can have lethal consequences for your spiritual life depending on what you are battling or dealing with at the time. Personally, even the people I talk to about my private matters are people whose spiritual background and health I know and trust because, in my world, this is not just a conversation but a spiritual exchange.

During these fasts, anything that is not the Word of God or worship music is out. Yes, I know this sounds quite extreme. I know many of you can't even fathom not being on your phone for longer than a few hours, or on social media daily (something that I quit in 2021), let alone only living on the Word of God and worship music as your media intake. When the Lord originally asked me to do it He warned me that it is MUCH harder than fasting for food (like a water-only fast) and when I got started, 3 days into it I understood why.

Well, I am challenging you to try it.

If you can do an attention fast paired with a food fast, even if it is just for a few days, you will reap the fruits of it instantly. It is very challenging but worth every minute of sacrifice because it will make you discover a version of yourself that you never knew existed. Also, the clarity of mind you will gain will become one of your priciest possessions and open a portal that heaven can use to be in touch with you. Your atmosphere will be flipped over to an atmosphere of order, which is the fundamental element necessary for an environment in which the Lord's work can begin to be felt.

Our Lord works with order and has Royal protocol, He is a King. Clear your spirit and mind of all the clutter and poisonous chaos and you will be able to experience Him in ways you never have before.

Please refer to the original letter for more instructions on the 500 days of waiting.

Stillness exercise

There is a Psalm the Lord gave me a long time ago to help me practice stillness and bring my spirit to a quiet state.

'My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty;

I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.

But I have calmed and quieted myself,

I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.

Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and forevermore.'

Psalms 131

Exercise: I suggest you learn this psalm by heart and repeat it serenely in a quiet place. You will begin to feel your spirit calming down and your soul quieted. Do it during at least 30 minutes of quietness in the morning as soon as you wake up, and repeat it at least a dozen times before bed.

With practice, this has the power to transform your inner peace and spiritual sharpness.

What comes out of our mouths bears fruits in our lives both physically and spiritually, so the more you speak it, the more it takes root and impacts your spirit and atmosphere.

'From the fruit of their mouth a person’s stomach is filled; with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied. The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. ' Proverbs 18:20-21

The key is to do it with consistency and to make sure you are speaking life and truth - that is, the Word of God - and not just anything because you could end up harvesting the fruits of spiritual blindness and confusion, and end up in sorcery, witchcraft, and divination practices (insert "word of mouth" doctrines of devils and "the secret" ideologies of the new age).

Happy 500 days! Let's GO!

With love,


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