Heavenly Father, we lay at your footstool to exalt and worship You. You are holy, Lord. We bless and praise Your name.

Father, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, that your children getting ready to pray this prayer be connected to the prayer altar we have raised in Your Holy Name and the power of Your Holy Spirit move in Mighty way in their lives.

Today, Abba Father, we call upon Your Spirit of the Fear of the Lord to saturate our atmosphere. May the Fear of the Lord surround us and fill up every corner of our beings.

I declare that supernatural deliverance, conviction, and sanctification will happen today through the power of your Holy Spirit for your children's lives to be forever transformed.

Father, You are the Ancient of days, The Alpha and the Omega, The Beginning and The End. To You be the Glory now and forever. It is in the name of Jesus Christ that I prayed, amen.

God bless you, my friend, and may the Lord in His Grace answer your prayer!

With love, 


Disclaimer: Please do not pray this prayer without having made the prayer to divorce darkness and the prayer for deliverance from darkness.

Prayer to divorce darkness. (Captives : VIII)
Divorce and renounce the covenants of Satan.
Prayer for deliverance from darkness. (Captives : IX)
Rebuke any works of iniquity in you and your bloodline.

Instruction: Speak the prayer out loud, and repeat each statement - where applicable - as described.

Petition for the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord.

Let's pray together!

Heavenly Father, You who sits above the circle of the earth and weighs the mountains in a balance, I humbly come before you in my office as a co-heir with Christ, as your son/daughter, and as a citizen of your Kingdom.

My Lord, You who measure the waters in the hollow of Your hand and mark off the heavens with a span, I ask for an audience with You today to put in a petition to the righteous Judge that You are.

I repent of our sins, transgressions, idolatry, bitterness, and rebellion, for me and my bloodline and ask that the Blood of Jesus cleanse us of our iniquity. (x3)

I ask the Holy Spirit to revive my spirit and restore my spotless garment of truth so that I and my bloodline may walk in the Fear of the Lord from today and for generations to come. (x12)

I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that You, Father, may put your Spirit of the Fear of the Lord in me. (x12)

Lord God, I pray that in Your grace, you may clothe me in the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord now, in the name of Jesus. (x12)

My Lord, I want to fulfil Your will for my life and be lifted in Your glory, dress me in the Fear of the Lord and may this fear guard and guide me in my walk with You. (x3)

I declare that through the Fear of the Lord, I will not overlook Your word, will and purposes for my life any longer. (x3)

I declare that through the Fear of the Lord, I will not allow myself to lose the respect and reverence that belong to the Lord any longer. (x3)

I declare that through the Fear of the Lord, my atmosphere is filled with the atmosphere of heaven right now. (x3)

I declare that through the Fear of the Lord, my heart is filled with light, who is Christ Jesus, my King. (x3)

Father, search my heart and refine my soul so I may be sanctified and purified to draw closer to You. (x3)

I declare that the Fear of the Lord is my fortress and His love is my hope. (x3)

I welcome every part of you, Holy Spirit, and commit to a life of holiness that will bear good fruits for the Kingdom of my Lord Jesus. (x12)

Lord God, You are a God who protects His flock like a shepherd and gathers the lambs in His arms, carrying them in Your bosom. I am your lamb, Lord, please carry me now in your bosom. (x12)

It is in the name of Jesus that I prayed, amen.