Dear sons and daughters of God,

I will reiterate it here because some people need to hear it again: there is no way to be with the Lord and follow His will and purposes for your lives whilst being an active member of the diabolical systems of the world. No way. You need to switch to His Kingdom and He, your King, will give you the work He had predestined for you.

There is a saying in French that goes, "vouloir le beurre, l'argent du beurre et le sourire de la crémière ". A variation of this in English is to want the cake and eat it too. But a more appropriate translation of the full expression would be to want the cake and eat it too and have the baker's smile on top of it.

You want all three but can only have one, choose your freedom and leave.

Your world is beginning to be shaken up because you are saying no. This is normal, and it will get quite bad for some time - on the outside - but you will realise that you are gaining peace, serenity, joy and calm that no one can understand - on the inside, where it matters.

The moment you say NO to them, get ready for the worst. What my husband has been going through in the past circa five years is a testament to that. Glory be to God that everything you see being done with public personas and Hollywood "brands" is irrelevant to our lives today, and they know it. They are struggling to let go and accept their defeat, leaching onto everything they can but only exposing their true selves to that public they so desperately want to convince of their lies.

The Lord allowed us to endure it so that we could be here, standing on the other side of their oppression, radically free from their influence in our real lives to tell you that you too can have that. We learned some lessons the hard way so we could relay them to you and you wouldn't have to go through the same things.

I encourage you once more to renew your mind to match your new identity in Christ and realise that there is no way you can "sustain" something in the systems of evil whilst being a child of God. There is just no way.

You have to completely separate yourselves from them so that you can graduate to accomplish the bigger and better things the Lord has in store for you - yes, bigger than the billions you were making and the success you thought you had but that you know never truly belonged to you, but to them. Even the side business you started, if you used the money they gave you, their infrastructure, networks or any other things that are theirs, it belongs to them, not you.

You must view your lives differently starting right now.

We are only Day 8 of the 500 Days of waiting but the heat is on already. We know it, we see it, we hear it, and the Lord has been giving us prayer assignments concerning you, which we have been tending to with diligence.

We can intercede for you today because we know what you are going through. We are standing on the other side of it and telling you that greener pastures await you, but you must separate yourselves from them and hang onto the Lord without any reservations, to be free.

Cutting the cord is excruciating - that is why it is a sacrifice, and if there is no sacrifice, then there is no reward. When we resolved to obey the Lord without any second thoughts, reservations, or delays, we reaped the benefits of it quicker than we imagined. We are enjoying those benefits now and it is mindblowing, but knowing that we have not seen one per cent of them is even crazier.

The higher you ascend, the more you must die to yourselves - that is, sacrifice. The higher you ascend, the more restrictions the Lord puts upon you because you are entrusted with more power, wisdom, and knowledge of Him and His mysteries. He cannot allow His power to be mismanaged and abused by careless fleshly desires, so He disciplines you to die to them. This is how you walk in His light, in the constant pursuit of holiness, and it is that pursuit of holiness - of the truth and becoming more like Him - that sets you free.

Christ came to set the captives free and said "You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free". He did not say that salvation will set you free. Salvation gives you eternal life (after this world passes away), but doesn't set you free. It is by grace we have been saved, through faith—and this is not from ourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works so that no one can boast. What salvation does is it freely gives you access to know the truth so you can be set free. However, getting to know the fullness of that truth is your responsibility - not the Lord's.

That is why God said that His people perish for lack of knowledge. Lack of His knowledge yields death. You can be saved but you are still full of the knowledge the world gave you - including that found in religious buildings and seminaries - and you reject His knowledge, the truth, so you live in death.

I know many religious people are breathing very heavily right now reading this, and I am getting ready to receive your emails of complaints. Sorry, friends, but this is the truth.

The Lord already did His part:
(-> means "which leads to")

You are saved by Jesus Christ when you confess Him as Lord -> Gaining access to Him (who is the truth) -> Receiving the Holy Spirit.

Receiving the Holy Spirit -> Consecrating yourself to live according to His decrees and will and purposes -> Dying to your past self and life -> Being born again -> Meeting the real you -> Gaining access to the keys of the kingdom -> Unlocking the capacity to activate (through knowledge, understanding and application of that understanding) His truth in your life -> Freedom.

So if you are not free, that's on you.

Then, for those who decide to take it a step further:

You have gained your personal freedom but want more from your relationship with the Lord -> Unlocking a deeper consecration and sanctification process -> Giving up more of your personal desires -> Being crucified with Christ more and more, day by day -> Increasing in purity and holiness in God's Sight -> Becoming more like Him -> Being drawn closer to Him -> Accessing more and more of His knowledge and wisdom -> Ascending higher in spiritual power and authority -> Becoming a vessel He can use to set other people free.

You can repeat this process until you ascend to a place where the Lord can use you to set cities, nations and continents free.

Now, if you are like us and you are after the liberation of cities, nations and continents, welcome to the party! We do have a lot of fun, just not the typical worldly fun, that is, (eventual) self-destruction. When you reach the point where you are dead to yourself it becomes a blissful and exciting life. The Lord begins to take you on journeys and adventures that even the greatest fiction writer couldn't imagine. Adventures that if you were to tell anyone who is not walking the same walk as you they wouldn't believe you. Stories that no big blockbuster movie could even come close to. I once jokingly told my husband that if we ever created a TV and film studio just out of what we've been through so far, we would never go out of business until the end of times - he agreed.

This life is far better than a movie. I don't remember the last time I had a boring day - or night, seriously. But fair warning: sometimes human nature becomes irritating, especially when you find yourself still struggling with it (yes, it's a lifelong journey), but that's also part of the growth and the fun!

Now, do you know the journey most people go through when they believe in Christ? The following:

You are saved by Jesus Christ when you confess Him as Lord -> Gaining access to Him (who is the truth) -> Instead of consecrating yourselves to live differently from the world and getting to know Him deeper now that you have access to Him, you either just continue with your life in its sinful nature, or you begin to engage in religious rituals that make you feel good about yourself -> Saying and being in denial that you are blessed and highly favoured by God, yet wandering the earth in affliction and slavery to the kingdom of darkness.

Some people begin the good journey but give up midway when the Lord's holiness and standards of purity start interfering with their idols a bit too much.

That is why the Lord insists that you must cut the cord and divorce the systems of the world once and for all. Doing this is step zero in knowing the truth, by which you are taking a decisive step to get away from ignorance - that is, darkness - by separating yourselves from the world.

Ah! These are the things nobody in the church will tell you because it is a hard pill to swallow, these truths reduce the size of congregations and turn people away because they do not appease and feed their idols. These are not motivational speeches, encouragement doctrines, or life lessons sermons. I know it is not sweet to the ear, but this is the truth. Some preachers try to do this but in a "cool" way, by putting on a show and making sure the worship part of the service will get people high on dopamine so they don't feel too turned off by the truth later on.

The Lord's instruction is for you to obey without delay. Delayed obedience is disobedience and disobedience is idolatry, which is wickedness in God's Sight. Whatever is causing you to delay is your idol. Pray to the Lord that He may help you give up the idols of your heart, those things that you think you worked so hard for and cannot let go of and the Lord will surely understand right? No, they are idols.

Oh, friends, I know this way too well, I've been there and the Lord had to break those idols from my heart. Those things you feel like you have earned and that you deserve. Those things that feel like if you were to lose them, it would be so unfair. Those things you did out of genuine care. The things for which you spent your sweat and effort, laboured, and continued to love and be good to people despite how they treated you. Those things that you went against the odds for. Letting go of those is painful, but you must do it.

Do you know what the Lord told me when I struggled with this? He told me the following:

"Life is not fair, and nobody owes you anything. If you integrate and understand this truth, you can never be disappointed in life, and letting go of things that keep you away from me will become easy."

Of course, He was right - He always is.

God is a just Judge, we discussed that in Stop the leak - part 2, and justice is not the same as fairness. Okay, I just said something that will get me into trouble again, have I not? What the pop culture, politicians and activists spread as knowledge are all lies. Fairness in the world's standard does not equal justice according to the Righteousness of God.

Stand firm on The Rock, Jesus Christ, without any compromise and whatever you have to lose, accept it as a price you are paying for your freedom and move on. The Lord will not let you down - ever.

Now, let's finish those 500 days and apply ourselves to waiting upon the Lord. Many of you are seeing the effects already of this time of consecration to the Lord in both the physical and spiritual realms. Imagine where you will be in 492 days if you continue in obedience.

Just close your eyes, bite the bullet and CUT THE CORD.

With love,


Give a love offering.
